Welcome to Best Of Missouri Hands
Welcome to Best Of Missouri Hands
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Missouri Artisans Association d.b.a. The Best of Missouri Hands (BOMH) is a state wide non profit (501c3) organization. We are dedicated to the development and recognition of Missouri’s arts and artisans through education, interaction, and encouragement.
Help us in our mission today.
Your donation will greatly strengthen our ability to provide the products and services artists need to face the everyday challenges of moving forward with their artistic goals. Simply click the donate button and you will be taken to Paypal to make your donation. Thank you.
View our Artist Categories

View ArtistsFunctional and non-functional work in which the primary medium is wood and the additions of any other mediums are incidental to and not intrinsic to the finished pieces.

Mixed Media 3D
View ArtistsPrimarily three-dimensional work that includes at least two separate and intrinsic mediums.

View ArtistsAll work in which the primary medium is traditional (lithography, etching, serigraphy, etc.) or digital (computer-generated) printmaking

View ArtistsFunctional and non-functional two and three-dimensional work in which the primary medium is glass and the additions of any other mediums are incidental to and not intrinsic to the finished pieces.

View ArtistsAll work in which the primary medium is paint of any kind and the character of the finished work is most specifically defined by the use of paint. This category includes work in pastels.

View ArtistsAll work in which the primary medium is film or digital photography and the character of the finished work is most specifically defined by the use of photography. This category includes photographic images printed on canvas.

View ArtistsObjects produced by carving, modeling, welding, or otherwise producing figurative or abstract works of art in three dimensions, as in relief, intaglio, or in the round.

View ArtistsWork made from any medium that is used primarily as personal adornment. This includes wearable sculpture.

View ArtistsFunctional and non-functional work in which the primary medium is clay and additions of any other mediums are incidental to and not intrinsic to the finished pieces.

Digital Media
View ArtistsAll work in which the primary medium is produced through the use of digital technology and the character of the finished work is most specifically defined by the use of digital technology.

View ArtistsAll primarily two-dimensional work that is created through the use of drawing. Please select this category if your work includes low relief.

View ArtistsWearable garments and accessories and non-wearable work produced from fibers and fabrics.

View ArtistsAny finished work that can’t be best described by one of the above categories.

Mixed Media 2D
View ArtistsPrimarily two-dimensional work that includes at least two separate and intrinsic mediums. This category includes low relief.

Traditional Crafts
View ArtistsAll traditional crafts, including but not limited to soap-making, chair caning, broom making, tin punching, black-smithing, furniture making, etc. What defines this category is the attention to historical […]

View ArtistsFunctional and non-functional work in which the primary medium is metal and the additions of any other mediums are incidental to and not intrinsic to the finished pieces.