Profile picture of Barbara C Phillips, QuietImagery

Barbara C Phillips, QuietImagery

About Us

About Our Art

As the creative force behind Quiet Imagery, my art is an intimate dialogue with the world through the medium of photography. My journey is deeply rooted in a profound connection to the natural world and a rich, multi-decade career in healthcare—a dual influence that shapes the ethos of my work and the vision behind my lens. It is this unique convergence of experiences that guides my exploration of the soft, quiet moments of beauty and resilience that, while often overlooked, persist in the natural world and in the human spirit.

In healthcare, the essence of my practice has always been about observation and connection—looking beyond the apparent to understand the intrinsic nature of each individual. This approach mirrors my photographic philosophy: to reveal the extraordinary within the ordinary by capturing the delicate interplay of light, texture, and form. My images, therefore, are not merely visual narratives but are imbued with a sense of calm, healing, and introspection, reflecting a lifelong dedication to nurturing and caring for others.

In my artistic practice, I embrace the use of both conventional and vintage, character-rich lenses to craft the soft, quiet moments that define Quiet Imagery. My work is characterized by a love for selective focus, intentional camera movement, multiple exposures, and an array of other techniques that allow me to create images that straddle the realms of natural beauty and abstract interpretation. While some images retain elements of realism, many venture into the abstract, inviting the viewer to engage in a personal interpretation and connection.

My portfolio is a collection of quiet meditations, each image a testament to the serene and often unnoticed moments that offer solace and reflection. Through the use of imperfect and art lenses, I celebrate the beauty of imperfection and the transient moments of life, creating spaces where viewers can pause, breathe, and find tranquility. These images are akin to the soothing presence of a caregiver, offering a moment of peace in a world that often feels tumultuous and overwhelming.

At Quiet Imagery, each photograph is a bridge between the viewer and the subtle narratives of the world around us, crafted with a deep understanding of the healing power of observation and the transformative potential of quiet beauty. It is my hope that through my work, viewers will find moments of peace, reflection, and a deeper connection to the natural and emotional landscapes that surround us.

Find Barbara/QuietImagery at

QuietImagery Fine Arts


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Quiet Imagery on Facebook

Juried Artist/Studio:

Barbara C Phillips, QuietImagery

Short Description:

Creative Photographic Artist

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Awards and Honors

Capital Art, Jefferson City Missouri, 2022, 3rd place macrophotography

2024, March.  ICMPhotography Magazine, Issue Number 17 “Drawn to Water”