2016 Dues Season or Does Anyone Even Know What Galaxy We’re In?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]2016 Dues Season or Does Anyone Even Know What Galaxy We’re In?

Change sometimes comes to us when we really would rather it not. Sometime it comes gradually, sometimes at warp speed.  This year’s dues renewal period was one of the latter – at times resembling a five-handed game of Fizbin.

As you all have learned over the last few months, with the new BOMH web site came a new way for members to renew their dues.  And, as with any new piece of technology, there were anomalies that couldn’t/wouldn’t present themselves until we had already left space dock.

For the first time this year, members were asked to pay their dues via the BOMH website using PayPal’s subscription service.  Once the subscription is set up, PayPal keeps track of your membership and lets you know when it is about to renew your dues for you.  Those who paid their dues this way won’t have to concern themselves with doing it again in the future.  The subscription service also allows PayPal to interface with our website’s database and update it when members pay their dues. Paying by check requires a manual override be performed by a human to keep our records current.

About half of our membership took advantage of this technology upgrade.  More would have used it, but someone let the Daleks loose and for whatever reason it just wasn’t going to fly this time.  There will also continue to be some folks who are uncomfortable with paying bills electronically, or who are uneasy about using PayPal for whatever reason.  I expect more will begin using the subscription service as the process proves itself.

If I had a Tardis, I would fix in advance any bug that might pop up next year.  Throughout most of this year’s renewal season, I was able to get members their log in information or fix some simple bug. And then there were the times it felt like the web site and PayPal computers were conspiring together in a vaudevillian H.A.L. parody.

I do want to thank you all for your patience and consideration during this transition year.   I fully expect that next year there will be nothing but smooth sailing.   As always, if you have questions regarding your dues, please contact me.

Peggy King

