Call for Juried BOMH Artists for Visiting Artist Program

BOMH Visiting Artist Program

The Visiting Artist Program is a wonderful way for working artists to share their art with eager art students from around the state of Missouri, many from underserved areas.

  • This program can inspire students to continue to grow in the arts as they progress through school.
  • This program provides students a glimpse into the life of a working artist.
  • This program exposes students to art media they may not have experienced in their classes.
  • This program helps awaken an appreciation for art in students as they become consumers and collectors of art in the future.

Every school year we ask for Juried BOMH artists to volunteer for this program. Our goal is to reach students who reside all over the state, so we need the help of artists from around the state. BOMH receives a grant from the wonderful Missouri Arts Council.   This grant provides a stipend to our artists for their service. We are very grateful to the Missouri Arts Council for their support. In many parts of the state, funding for arts programs are at risk and artist participation can make a big difference to students and teachers.

If you are interested in participating in the Visiting Artist Program, keep an eye out for the BOMH InTouch Newsletter and for announcements on the BOMH Facebook page. Please send me a note of your interest to This will allow me to assist you by answering any questions you may have, and to document your visit. We will be happy to have you in our great program.

Mary Drastal


Visiting Artist Program


Pictured: Juried BOMH Painter Brenda Beck Fisher