Meet BOMH Support Staff: Peggy King

BOMH Role: Bookkeeper & Website Administrator

Past BOMH President 2010-2011

An affirmed non-artist, I “found” glass at the age of 50. It was like receiving a surprise gift for some forgotten occasion. I hadn’t planned on becoming a glass artist. I took a bead making course on a whim. Then I took a fusing class, and was hooked.  In my home studio in Columbia, Missouri, I now create both lampworked (hot) and fused (warm) glass art, calling myself “Snow Flake Glass”  …Get it?…No Two Are Alike! My studio consists of a room full of glass in four different varieties and a multitude of formats.  Each must be kept separate because they don’t play well together. Melt them together in a project and your new work of art will surely end up breaking into pieces – sometimes dramatically. Each of my fused glass plates is created individually. Most sport dichroic color and/or irridized glass.