Patterns on Exhibit / Call For Entry: Light & Dark – Montgomery City, MO

Art Show on Display

The art show titled Patterns is on display at the Art Center until October 28th. We have beautiful pieces of art in media including photography, pencil, fiber, oil, and more. We are open every Thursday and Friday from 1:00 until 5:00 and Saturdays from 10:00 until 2:00. The Art Center is located next to the Montgomery County Courthouse at 123 E. Third Street.

Open call deadline has been extended until November 5th for our next show, Light & Dark.  Light & Dark will be an exhibition of contrasts, one that includes work produced in a variety of media, depicting a range of subjects, with each exploring the dramatic effects of light and shadow (chiaroscuro), a contrast of color values, textures, or perhaps contrasts in ideas. As always, we ask that the artwork is display ready and no older than 3 years. Entry fee is $5 for each piece and first place winners receive a ribbon and a cash prize. Entries need to be labeled with the artists’ name and contact information on the back. For further information email us at