The Blooming Artists Project

The Blooming Artists Project connects student artists with master artists from the St. Louis area. Students in 3 -12 created works of art in their classroom and submitted their photos and statements. Master artists who have made a name for themselves and have influenced art within our community are invited to select a student’s piece and then connect with that young artist. The master artist ultimately creates a work of art inspired by the student’s work. The project culminates in a formal gallery opening displaying both the student’s and master’s work side by side. The intent is to show young artists that their ideas have merit and can inspire even seasoned artists.

As the project has grown and gained in momentum, the master artists have challenged their students to create second pieces, invited them to visit their studios, and extended invitations to work with them in various capacities.

Using our Facebook page, the students and master artists can communicate and share their progress with their work.  The number of school districts and students participating has more than doubled since the inaugural year.  We have a list of artists and schools very interested in joining us for next year and we continue to invite more sponsors and organizations to join us.

We have received pledges of support and sponsorship from The Old Orchard Gallery in Webster, ART MART, and The Greater St. Louis Artists Association.

The Blooming Artists Facebook page is also a wealth of photos and information.