Winter Jury Is Approaching

The Best of Missouri Hands jury committee has announced jury dates for 2018.  General BOMH members in good standing, and those who have been members for at least 90 days, can apply for juried status within the BOMH.  After applying, acceptance as a Juried Member indicates that an artisan has developed his or her craft beyond mere competence of technique to a high standard of quality. The member also verifies that the work juried is her/his own and is originated and made by the artist.

The winter dates for jury will open February 1, 2018, deadline for Jury is February 19, 2018 and results notification will be February 26, 2018.

We have also set the dates for the summer jury process.  The summer dates will open for jury July 1, 2018.  The deadline for jury is July 16, 2018 with results notifications by July 23, 2018.

To learn more about the jury process please visit… 

Pictured:  Juried BOMH Glass Artist Kitty Mollman