ArtSmart 2014 – Art Springs in Springfield

Save the Date March 21-23, 2014

You should mark your calendars right now and plan to attend ArtSmart 2014 in Springfield, Missouri next year! We are lining up a fun-filled weekend full of learning, inspiration, and hands on art that you’ll take back home with you, all wrapped up in the fellowship that has become the trademark of The Best of Missouri Hands.

Whether you do art shows, gallery exhibits, or are just trying to figure out this whole “arts” thing, you’ll find what you need at ArtSmart.

Our keynote speaker is Marc Duke of Art-Linx. His keynote address is entitled “Artists in the Post-Recession World; Remaking Our Businesses and Careers”. As our economy inches its way out of recession, Marc will draw on his research and his relationships with gallery and wholesale art sectors to give us strategies to cope with changes in the marketplace.

Marc will also participate in a panel discussion with other artists to examine various alternatives for sales, from using the internet to wholesaling, along with some non-traditional approaches.

Not sure what to do with Facebook? Unsure about the Internet? Let artists who know the ropes share their knowledge and tips with you. You’ll be up to speed in no time. And remember, the resources of The Best of Missouri Hands are available to you after you get home if you have questions.

Do you know how to develop relationships with art galleries? Do you have questions about your portfolio or about your artist statement? Come to ArtSmart, the answers are waiting for you.

For the third year, the Artisan Showcase will be open for art sales to the public. Volunteers will staff the exhibit room while you are attending the sessions. In previous years, some artists have paid for their entire conference through their sales.

ArtSmart is for you to learn, whether you are a beginner or a seasoned veteran, whether you are just beginning a career in the arts, or are looking to reinvent yourself. We will have information to give you that you can put to good, practical use right away.

If you have a partner or spouse that might want to come but is not interested in the sessions, we have provisions for that also, just check our website for options.

Hope to see you in Springfield!

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