BOMH artists “GO BIG” to celebrate Missouri’s 200th birthday

Barb and I are organizing a big art project for the Missouri 2021 celebration. This will be the biggest event celebrating Missouri’s 200th birthday. Over 20,000 people from around the state will paint a 12 feet X 30 feet mural that when finished will hang in one of the office buildings in Jefferson City. Barb is holding a small replica of the mural image in the photo here. We are hoping some of our Best of Missouri Hands fellow artist may be willing and able to help us make this a success. If interested, please message us at

We are looking for people to tell us about art events we might set up this Paint For A Cause and put us in contact with people we need to talk to about this project.

Juried BOMH Painter & Photographer Aaron Horrell

Pictured: Juried BOMH Painter Barb Bailey