Show Recap: Silver Dollar City National Harvest Festival 2013


With the new wooden roller coaster “Outlaw Run” making its debut at Silver Dollar City in 2013, my personal experience was just that, quite the roller coaster ride. Three weeks of mainly highs and some lows. There was very little straight track except on my days off when I sat in my room and painted gourds at Cardinal Hill cottages.

I am a Juried Member of The Best of Missouri Hands. We and the other artists, craftsmen, and Silver Dollar City staff and characters on park are a family. We enjoy seeing each other, supporting each other and catching up. The traditions of the park, including the daily flag raising and the salute to veterans, are such a special way to open the park and start each day. I had a booth directly behind the Gazebo on the main square, so I had the honor and privilege to watch this and to hear the amazing Horse Creek Band and others. The weather for the most part was most divine. There were three weddings while I was there.

My most favorite sale was my fairy house finding a home with a sweet lady battling a terrible disease. We connected again after I got home and she asked me to make her a nativity set which I am currently doing.

My low was on my first day when I had “zero” sales. I was smelling my arm pits to see if it was me, and really feeling rejected. Standing in line, waiting to get on the shuttle to head back to our cars at the end of the day, we share about our days. I of course expressed my sadness. Amazingly people would brush my shoulders, pat my back, and tell me to shake it off. Then they proceeded to tell about their first “zero sales” day. I realized how important the brushing off of the energy, the kind words from others and the coaching by my husband to get back into the game was to me. This was and is a beautiful support system and I felt truly blessed. So how could that be a low?

I treasure so much playing with the kids. These children that I have known since they were infants hug and visit me daily and paint with me from time to time when it is slow. They are angels on earth bringing a smile and love in my heart. I am blessed.

There were five gourd artists on park which really made it fun. Gourds are all so different and people are so different, so when you put the two together it can be a whole lot of fun. We had a gourd carver, wood burner, leaf maker and then another that did seasonal along with me.

There are so many thoughts and experiences throughout the three weeks and I am truly grateful and blessed. However, I can safely say there is No Place like Home, No Place like home, No Place like home.

— Melynda Lotven

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