Writing Your Life Story – The Arts Business Institute

Arts Business Institute

Writing Your Life Story

Posted: 16 Dec 2015 04:00 AM PST

by guest blogger Mary Ellen Clagett

We asked coach Mary Ellen Clagett to share some inspiration for busy artists. Her advice? Take some time to reflect on the coming year and what you really value in your life.




Winter is upon us. Plants are dormant; animals are entering hibernation; there is a silence that encourages reflection; a gentle peace. I love to take this time as the new year approaches to think about the life I want, to take the time to rewrite my own life story.  What calls to you? Are you feeling stuck where you are? Do you hear whispers urging you to go in a new direction? What’s keeping you up at night? Here are some simple ways to move towards creating the life that you want.

First, be curious. We get so caught up in the “to do and must do” lists that we ignore the things that do matter to us. We exist but we do not thrive. Ask yourself, “What makes me feel whole?” Start listing all the things that matter. Don’t worry about making complete sentences or prioritizing. Let your heart and soul out on the paper — random and messy. Then, take a deep, cleansing breath and choose one thing from your list that you will intentionally work on to restore into your world.

Second, create some space. We hang onto things out of habit — projects which we are never going to finish, items given to us by people whose names we can’t remember, things that we paid a lot of money to have — keeping them long after they’ve served their purpose. Does your “stuff” lighten your load or does it weigh you down? Is there so much “stuff” that you can’t imagine starting anything new? It’s okay to let go. Let the things that surround you be things you actually value, which bring you joy.

Third, be present. Recognize that our time is short and the only moment that is guaranteed is this one. Are you living full out or are you kicking your dreams down the road — when the kids are out of the house, when the job isn’t all-consuming, when you have more time? Think about what you would do differently if you only had a year…a month…a day to live. What is truly important to you? Consider how you might find more room in your life for the things that are important. This isn’t a call for a drastic action, rather, carving out some time each day. Cultivate your sense of awe. Pay attention to small things. Pause in that headlong rush to get things done. Wonder how the objects that surround you came into existence and be glad that they did. We take so much for granted. How about a week where we don’t?

The thing is, the world needs you right now to live full out. Choose to spend your time and energy on things that bring you joy. You are an amazing creation, full of life and wonder. Live it. Acknowledge that you are an artist of your life, the author of your own story, and that the world is going to be brighter with your participation and creativity. Don’t hide the things you love to do, share them with a world which is desperately in need of your talents. Shine the light on you. We will all be enriched by it.


Mary Ellen ClagettGuest blogger Mary Ellen Clagett. From federal executive to living life full out as an Artist, a Writer, and a Co-Active Coach.  Are you ready to change the life you are living to create the life you want? Schedule a complimentary session to discover how by visiting her website.